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Reawakening the Deep Human Within with Yen-Lu Chow, Founding Executive Chairman, Asia Institute of Mentoring; Over The Rainbow

Join this in-person seminar as Yen-Lu brings us closer together to explore more deeply the eternal questions on the human experience - of human suffering - who are we - and why are we here - the mystery that is life - happiness, health, creativity, wisdom and wellbeing:

  • What is the Deep Human?

  • Emptiness is form

  • The secret of sound

  • The power of the thought

  • Wisdom of the heart - 无常 (Impermanence), 无我 (Non-self), 无為 (Non-doing)

  • Connecting to the Source

  • Accessing the Life Force; Achieving Oneness with the Universe

  • Reawakening the Deep Human

Yen-Lu Chow

Founding Executive Chairman WholeTree Foundation; Over-The-Rainbow; Asia Institute of Mentoring; Founding Partner Fatfish MediaLab; Executive Mentor YSI SEA; Founder of the Deep Human Movement

Yen-Lu and wife Yee Ling started WholeTree Foundation, a nonprofit family foundation with the Over-The-Rainbow (OTR) youth mental wellness initiative, in loving memory of their dear son who suffered from manic depression and took his own life at a youthful age of 26. OTR is a one-stop hub for youth mental wellness, and a pioneer in youth mental wellness. Yen-Lu served as the co-founder and chairman of Singapore Creations, a nonprofit that provides an alternative platform for young people in the performing arts. It is a platform to listen to young people – to give them a voice – to empower them – through the performing arts. He was also the founding executive mentor to YSI SEA, an innovation platform and network started by young people to empower youths from around the region to discover and co-create innovation in sustainability.

In a fast-paced world where the only constant is change, he believes there is an urgent need for each of us to draw on our strengths and creative potential as human beings, to connect with our higher self and our deeper purpose to contribute towards humanity in a positive and impactful way. He enjoys building ecosystems and mobilizing the community to create positive social change. As an early pioneer in the application of AI, he also has a strong base in the tech space. With the launch of his family foundation and other social impact initiatives, Yen-Lu devotes his time serving both society and the nation in his various capacities.

He is on a life mission to help bring about a kinder, gentler, more inclusive, more just, and sustainable world.

30 April

Heart Opening Yoga

30 April

Parent and Adult-Child Intergenerational Workshop