Welcome, dear one, let's gather in rest. Breathe. Together, we ground & centre in meditation. Lying down or leaning back, you get to relax into a cocoon of loving frequencies. It is safe now to let go. There is nothing to do. No one to be. De-armour. Break free of the heavy, lay it down, give it to earth. Be held, as you safely release & embrace the new. Your heart is welcomed. Your heart is needed. Your heart is so held. Journey back home to your true self & soul blueprint with Pamela Ng as your guide. 🌀
$77 Max 21 pax, Min 4 pax
Pamela Ng
Pamela Ng is a spiritual mentor, healer, sound alchemist, oracle & seer who has guided many people over the years. She is here to guide you in activating, remembering & anchoring new ways of being, rooted in ease, play, pleasure & sovereignty. Serving as a conduit, the sounds & energies that flow through Pamela help you recalibrate by shedding the old and illuminating a return home to your soul's blueprint. The heartsongs that emanate through her come from deeply listening to what wants to be spoken from the spaces in between. Walk away feeling lighter, more connected and grounded, with clarity to move forward in your life. Ways she can support & guide you include, but are not limited to: sound healing, shamanic drumming, channeled messages, crystal readings + grids, innerchild healing, Source energy healing, accessing ancestral + past life wisdom, as well as light language & Source code transmissions. 🌀